The Celery Report: Issue #4

by Russ Stringham on January 25, 1999 2:32 PM EST

On to this weeks results.

I received e-mail from several people after last week's report pointing out that my comparison of the success rate between the retail and OEM versions was more accurately a comparison between the Malay and Costa Rican versions of the Celery. This is an excellent point, and I had hoped to get some retail Costa's in this week to test but, alas, it was not to be.

I tested a total of 72 processors this week. I have, and wanted to test, quite a few more than that, but my shipment of BH6's was delayed by a day. Not a supplier problem, but a shipping problem. All chips were Malay retail "tray". This is the retail version packaged in ten-packs for use by system builders.

This was a very tasty crop of Celery! The first group was PCB week 9836, label code 98450025, "Clover" symbol. I cooked a total of 52 of these. I was all the way up to number 48 before I had one that would not do 450 at default voltage. Let me repeat that: 47 chips in a row at 450Mhz, 2v! Funny thing is, the 48th chip wouldn't do 450 at any voltage! Numbers 49 thru 52 also danced at 2v.

This makes this batch 51 out of 52 at 450Mhz running default voltage. A good number of these processors liked to party at 504 too. I have to admit, I got a little greedy and set one of the 504's aside for myself.:-) Can we safely say that this is a good week? I think so, but this is my opinion.


The other 20 were PCB week 9844, label code 98480238, "Clover" symbol. These were left over from last weeks shipments and are added in to the table with last weeks results. All 20 of these had no problem with 450, but two required a goose to 2.1v.

To-date I've tested a total of 294 Celerys. Of these, 172 were retail Malay, and 122 were OEM. Out of the retail Malay group, I had only one single failure and in excess of 90% tested positive for 450 at 2v.

Of the OEM chips, 15 were Malay versions with all doing 450Mhz. I don't know the voltage breakdown on these, because I wasn't tracking the information as closely when I tested them. These, as well as some of the OEM Costa's are not included in the table as it covers only the last 4 weeks.

The other 107 OEM CPU's were all Costa Rican, with about 88% able to do 450Mhz and a majority requiring a little goose in the core voltage.

And here it is. Your shopping list:

Label Code # tested PCB week Symbol Version 2.0v 2.1v 2.2v 2.3v No Go
08451303 27 9839 Clover OEM 24/89% 2/7% 1/4% 0 0
08450076 6 9838 COMPEQ OEM 1/17% 3/50% 2/33% 0 0
08450076 6 9838 COMPEQ OEM 0 0 0 2/33% 4/67%
08461541 20 9841 Clover OEM 6/30% 5/25% 5/25% 2/10% 2/10%
08461541 10 9841 Clover OEM 2/20% 6/60% 1/10% 1/10% 0
98391399 10 9823 COMPEQ Retail 10/100% 0 0 0 0
98410558 3 9837 Clover Retail 3/100% 0 0 0 0
98410558 2 9835 Clover Retail 2/100% 0 0 0 0
98471558 15 9843 COMPEQ Retail 14/93% 1/7% 0 0 0
98480238 50 9844 Clover Retail 46/92% 4/8% 0 0 0
98430629 40 9836 Clover Retail 35/88% 4/10% 1/2% 0 0
98450025 52 9836 Clover Retail 51/98% 0 0 0 1/2%
TOTALS 241       194/80% 25/11% 10/4% 5/2% 7/3%

NOTE: Label codes beginning with "98" are Malay ,
codes beginning with "08" are Costa Rica.

Well, happy hunting!

Russ Stringham, Owner

Thrashing the 400A
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